Monday, February 8, 2016

Emotional Eating

I realized I haven't posted in about a year and am going to try to post more regularly.  I recently joined a fitness group on Facebook to help keep me accountable.  I'm supposed to be posting pictures of healthy food choices and exercise daily.  Admittedly, I don't do well at either all the time.  I've started going to yoga once a week (most weeks, but not every week).  My goal is to go to that every single week.  When I do that, I will add more exercise in.  For the time being, that's a secondary priority.

My primary priority right now, are my food choices.  Since joining this fitness group, I've been forced to pay attention to my food choices at every meal.  While I refuse to beat myself up when I slip up, accountability is necessary to keep me on track, especially since I don't consistently update food trackers (much like this blog that I haven't updated in some time).  Last month was a draining month, both physically and emotionally.  I found myself saying I deserve to eat "horrible food A" because I don't feel good; I deserve "unhealthy food B" because something awful happened.  Because I was actually paying attention to what I was eating, I realized I am an emotional eater.  Realizing this is a huge step for me.  I think I've been in denial about this most of my life.  Finally realizing it has allowed me to look at myself overall and that is a very good thing.